The laws concerning firearms are complex, to say the least. Certain weapons are permitted by law, while others are illegal. Special permits are usually required to carry a gun, and guns can’t be carried in certain places under any circumstances. It may be legal for you to own or carry a firearm, but if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time with one, you may be breaking the law, and the government may indict you on firearms charges. If this happens to you, the experts at the Federal Criminal Law Group have plenty of experience with the nuances of the laws regulating firearms, and can help navigate you through these tricky waters.
You can see by this litany of rules how easy it can be to end up on the wrong side of the law, even inadvertently, when it comes to weapons ownership and use. Firearms violations are considered serious offenses, resulting in hefty fines and prison terms of up to 5 years. This is why it is so important to have an expert criminal defense attorney representing your interests.
We will investigate all details concerning your case, advise you of your rights and your options, and mount a skilled legal defense from pre-trial through the trial itself.