Supreme Court Issues Influential Native American Jurisdiction Case

Supreme Court Issues Influential Native American Jurisdiction Case

  • Posted by Marcia Shein
  • On June 20, 2018
  • federal law, jurisdiction, tribal law, tribal sovereignty
Supreme Court Hears Native American Jurisdiction Case In May of 2018, the United States Supreme Court decided to hear a case about Native American territory and a murder in 1999, which could significantly affect issues involving tribal sovereignty and state legal authority. How this case is decided will have a significant impact on where criminal […]
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What to Do if You Learn of a Federal Warrant for Your Arrest

  • Posted by Marcia Shein
  • On June 9, 2016
  • arrest warrants, Criminal Defense, federal law
The Fourth Amendment prohibits searches or seizures that are considered “unreasonable.” However, one way that law enforcement can get around this prohibition is to get a search or an arrest warrant. Warrants are acquired behind the scene, between the police and prosecutors, on the one hand, and a judge or magistrate, on the other. As […]
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Getting a Departure from the Sentencing Guidelines is an Uphill Battle

  • Posted by Marcia Shein
  • On April 30, 2016
  • federal law, Sentencing Guidelines, trial law
If you get convicted in federal court on a federal criminal charge, then the sentencing process will be much more stringent and structured than it would have been if the charge had been for a state crime and heard in a state court. This is due in large part to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which […]
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