There are two types of court systems — federal and state. Each of these court systems is tasked with hearing different types of cases. While state courts are primarily responsible for interpreting state law, federal courts have the responsibility of hearing a number of different types of cases. Because many people have questions about how… Read More
Federal Court
Will My Case be Tried in Federal or State Court?
There are two kinds of courts that hear criminal cases – state courts and federal courts. While there is a great deal of variation between state and federal courts, federal courts are required to hear certain types of cases regardless of the state in which they are located. This article will discuss some of the… Read More
Five Reasons You do Not Want to Go to Federal Court Without a Lawyer
It is never a wise idea for a person to proceed with a case in federal court without the assistance of a skilled attorney. While representing one’s self in federal court without an attorney can appear to be an inexpensive and affordable method, there is a much lower chance that a person’s case will resolve… Read More
Stages of a Federal Criminal Case
When beginning a federal criminal case, what often scares people the most is being unsure of what is to come, not only of the outcome but also the steps involved. This is a complex process and before you begin, you should have a complete understanding of federal criminal trials. Below is an order of events… Read More
How Can I Get My Case to the Supreme Court?
Marbury v. Madison, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education; all are cases that have shaped history and all were heard by the Supreme Court of the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court in this country. A ruling by this court will… Read More