Get the personalization and experience you need to win your criminal defense case.
Experienced federal defense attorneys can greatly influence pre-trial outcomes.
Appeal federal convictions with expert guidance for justice and fairness.
Strengthen your appeal options by filing a motion for a new trial.
Experienced attorneys with conviction integrity ensure your best chance for relief.
When criminal cases go before federal appellate courts, each side typically has 15 minutes to present oral arguments. In most cases, the decisions rendered by the federal appellate courts is final. However, judges can also send the case back to trial court and ask that court to review additional proceedings that may not have been available when the appellate court rendered a decision. One or both parties can also request the case to go before the United States Supreme Court in the District of Columbia.
A federal appellate court is the highest court available at the state level. Any party who loses their case at that level and wishes to advance it to the Supreme Court must complete and file a document called Writ of Certiorari. The document completes the formal process of asking the Supreme Court to review the case. Parties to a federal appellate court case should understand that the Supreme Court is under no obligation to accept or hear cases.
Typically, the Supreme Court reserves its calendar for those cases involving a crucial legal matter that could set a future precedent. The body of nine justices may also decide to hear cases when multiple federal appellate courts heard the case previously and arrived at a different legal interpretation. Normally this situation involves two lower courts, but it could be more.
Under federal law, the Supreme Court must hear appeals based on limited individual circumstances. Your appeals attorney at the Shein, Brandenburg & Schrope Federal Criminal Law Center is the best person to advise you on whether your criminal case qualifies for a Supreme Court exception.
Praesent tincidunt molestie libero mollis porta. Praesent sit amet faucibus leo, ac aliquet magna. Vivamus ullamcorper mollis leo, at sagittis mi pellentesque quis. Praesent nec elit tristique.
I am not a lawyer, so good help is helpful. In the two cases prior to the one documented above, I represented myself at Both Jury Trials. A concerned loved one hired Marcia Shein, after the second trial – who found that the trial proceedings legally mis-trialed due to interruptions and mis proceedings that entitled […]
Dear Marcia, …”I appreciate all you’ve done for me over the years! I can never fully thank you and Elizabeth for your hard work and professionalism! It has truly been a pleasure getting to know you! I hope and trust I never have any need for your services again, but if someone close to me […]
Thank you for all of your help, you two are by far the best in your profession. The courts may not review every case that passes through their jurisdiction, but this firm has provided me with the best legal assistance I’ve received since I’ve been incarcerated. I am already aware of my federal habeas petition, […]
Chances are that if you’re reading this, you or someone you know are in trouble with the United States Government in one way or another. Maybe, like me, this is your first time in trouble with the government. Whatever your particular case may be, I can assure you that the federal law(s) are a complex, […]
Not only is Marcia one of the most intelligent lawyers I have met, but she is filled with compassion. I have the utmost respect for her, for she tells it like it is. I always knew where I stood, and what my options were. I reside in Massachusetts and could not find anyone locally that […]
I can’t even begin to find the words to express my gratitude for all you’ve done for our family this past 14 months. I shudder to think where we may have ended up if he had not had you as his advocate, attorney and friend. We are all eternally thankful and feel that you will […]
Ms. Shein represented my husband in a federal case. She is extremely knowledgeable about the federal process, has excellent communication skills, was very responsive and always follows up with any query or request. I would recommend her to anyone that requires legal advise or representation.
Praesent tincidunt molestie libero mollis porta. Praesent sit amet faucibus leo, ac aliquet magna. Vivamus ullamcorper mollis leo, at sagittis mi pellentesque quis. Praesent nec elit tristique.
Praesent tincidunt molestie libero mollis porta. Praesent sit amet faucibus leo, ac aliquet magna. Vivamus ullamcorper mollis leo, at sagittis mi pellentesque quis. Praesent nec elit tristique.