A pre-sentence report is a report prepared by a probation officer after you have been convicted of a crime. This report contains contextual, historical and personal information about you that assists the judge in determining an appropriate sentence.
While state and federal laws provide penalty ranges and sentencing guidelines for certain crimes, the judge typically relies on the pre-sentence report to fill in the gaps—to provide pertinent information about your specific circumstances and the context in which the crime was committed, to help determine how lenient or severe your sentence should be. To prepare this report, a probation officer assigned to your case will conduct a pre-sentence investigation, which usually consists of gathering pertinent documentation as well as a personal interview with you. The probation officer will ask for a range of personal information, such as family history, current family status, finances, history of substance abuse, prior criminal history and the circumstances surrounding the crime(s) for which you are convicted. You are required by law to answer these questions thoroughly and honestly or face additional penalties, but it is also an opportunity to better your chances for leniency by including any/all positive information that relates to your situation, such as character statements from friends and family, proof of employment (and good references from employers), or enrollment in counseling or treatment, if applicable.