What Do I Do If The Police Stop Me In My Car?

  • Your License, registration, and insurance must be current and kept in your car.
  • To prevent being stopped, obey all traffic laws…Don’t speed and be sure to use your turn signals.
  • Don’t smoke in your car… Don’t drive high or under the influence.
  • Keep your car clean… No roaches or paraphernalia.
  • Use both hands when driving, use Bluetooth to talk on your phone, if available.
  • Make sure everyone in the car is wearing their seat belts.
  • Pay any outstanding parking tickets and don’t drive with warrants.
  • Keep any prescribed medications you may have with you in the trunk.
  • Do not drive with any sort of guns or weapons of any kind
  • And last but not least, don’t give the police a reason to search your car.

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